Amateur radio call book lookup

Canadian amateur radio call sign database open government. Resembling a telephone directory and contains the name and addressees of licensed ham radio stations. Welcome to essex hams callsign lookup tool this lets you check that a uk callsign is valid, and also lets you check an amateurs qrz data, waiting eqsl cards, location and. Select ham operators, examiners, or specialevent callsigns. The american radio relay league arrl radio amateurs of canada rac field day is held annually during the fourth full weekend in june. However, only by contacting the fcc directly can you assure uptotheminute data. Amateur radio callsign lookup repeater information. Notice that you can also easily search callsigns, iota, etc. Vi or ax may be temporarily allocated for special events. By winter 1960 i was listed as a general, wa6fad, and the spring 1959. Welcome to ham call lookup, your singlesource portal to the worlds top ham radio call sign lookup services and amateur radio ham call servers. Callbook ac log calldata free the ac log calldata feature uses data freely provided by the fcc in the usa and the rac in canada for basic lookup information for these two countries. If you choose to search through the callbook archive note that.

Find your ham roots by tracing the history of your call sign. If you havent purchased a yearbook in a while, isnt it time to get the very latest and best source of amateur radio information available the rsgb yearbook 2020. Please provide me with a list of all amateur radio call signs that ofcom has a database entry for and their. Online callbook for internet explorer and mozilla firefox makes it easy to find qsl information from the most popular ham radio web sites, such as qrz. International call sign series american radio relay league.

Old amateur radio call books archive resource detail the. Worlds leading amateur radio web site with news, technical articles, discussions, practice exams and more. Radio relay league arrl is the national association for amateur radio. Free hamradio callbook with very fast xml access for logging programs, recent activity, logsearch, condx prediction, multilanguage support etc. Hong kong vr lookup national society of amateur radio in hong kong, harts iceland tf search icelandic radio amateurs, ira indonesia yb email server. Special event call signs can be found in the special event listing. So its usually possible to search them by name when the invariable question of what was grandpas old call sign comes up.

It is both a complete dx operations center, as well as a fantastic general purpose log book. Callsign searching and amateur radio call signs category is a curation of 54 web resources on, lotw resources by hb9bza, egyptian hams, old amateur radio call books archive. Vk0 australian antarctica, heard island, macquarie island vk1 australian national capital canberra vk2 new south wales vk3 victoria vk4. Home forums discussion forums ham radio discussions need 1959 callbook lookup for wv6fad my novice call discussion in ham radio discussions started by w6xy, feb 2, 2020. The most current information available, from industry canada, our licensing agency. As usual this book is much more than a list of callsigns.

Hi serge, you can contact i would like to find a list submitted by serge p. These services access the official fcc call sign and license database using a variety of methods. Amateur and professional radio operator certificates. Matches licenses with the following radio service codes. Hamradiocall maps and displays location and license information for both the user and another ham based on that hams callsign. Grid square is then mathematically calculated from these coordinates. The main category is callsign search and qrz rosters that is about callsign searching and amateur radio callsigns. Fcc updates are processed as they are released by the. Usually a search similar to the following will work. In biography type in one or more keywords to search all biography pages. Hi, i want to find the earliest listing for the novice call, wv6fad. Sep 25, 20 starting with other commercial ham call vendors, including buckmaster, radio amateur callbook, and if theyre still around sam. Ham call lookup the worlds top ham radio call sign lookup. In most cases, hams request call signs that are shorter than the 2 x 3 call signs with two letters.

Please be aware that this app can only be used to lookup u. You can contact the canadian amateur radio call sign team directly at 18887803333. A search engine is provided by radio amateurs of canada the database is provided by industry canada. Use this search engine to look up call signs for south africa zr, zs and zu, and members of the sarl who hold foreign call signs. The main category is callsign search and qrz rosters that is about callsign searching and amateur radio call signs. The radio amateur callbook contains the callsign and address information of the amateurs radio stations all over the world. Please note that after your paid subscription expires, only the name is returned for call book lookup. This years event will be held on saturday, june 27 and sunday, june 28, beginning at 1800 utc saturday and running through 2059 utc sunday.

The radio amateur callbook comes on a cdrom and you asked for it on a handy usb stick. Welcome to essex hams callsign lookup tool this lets you check that a uk callsign is valid, and also lets you check an amateur s qrz data, waiting eqsl cards, location and last cluster spots. Fcc updates are processed as they are released by the fcc. Online callbook the ultimate ham radio software for. Free ham amateur radio call log database app microsoft office access. Contact a contributor if you can help or have any other contributions. Cover of the fall 1937 radio amateur call book magazine. Winter 19601961 radio amateur callbook united states listingsfrontarea 1area 2area 3area 4area 5area 6area 7area 8area 9area 0other. This link is listed in our web site directory since friday aug 24 2001, and till today ref french callbook has been followed for a total of 1552 times. Logbook also known as hrdlog is a powerful ham radio logging software program within ham radio deluxe. Please send me the list of licencees of the amateur radio call book.

Callsign database, solar resource page, ft2000, ft920 resource page, ft100 resource page, amateur radio links, and more. Broken into 50 sections there is a massive amount of the latest material from across the amateur radio world. Get the call book on your gprs cell phone with the sarls new mobicb. We do not hold records for other southern african countries. Busto arsizio callbook italian section aruba p4 callbook australian online register of radiocommunications licences australian vks on the internet.

Search current database search as of 199508 search as of 200301 search as of 200406 search as of 200501 search as of 200504 search as of 200711 search as of 200712 search as of 201102 search as of. List of all amateur radio callsigns a freedom of information. Print your own up to date copy of the sa call book. List of licencees of the amateur radio call book data under reuse. Hamcall worldwide callsign database worlds largest qsl database. These not only indicate the country in which the station is located, but also the type of station a separate set of prefixes being used to indicate whether the amateur radio licence is privately held by an individual or whether it is a club station. The scans are imperfect, but if you have a name of someone you believe was licensed in 1952, it is usually possible to find the persons call sign. In addition, it comes with a lot of useful extra information. The rsgb yearbook 2020 is as it always is, the most comprehensive guide to amateur radio in the uk. In addition to the basic ham radio call signs a variety of prefixes are used. The 1952 radio amateur call book magazine is slightly more difficult. Hamradiocall is an application for amateur radio operators. Fcc license data search american radio relay league.

Radio amateur call book magazine summer 1958 includes foreign international listings. Resembling a telephone directory and contains the name and addressees of licensed ham radio. Geographic coordinates are provided by the bing maps api. Australian amateur callsigns normally commence with vk followed by one digit then either two or three letters. By nameaddress type in a name or part of a name, street, city, etc. The australian communications and media authority acma automatically allows all radio amateurs to substitute their normal vk callsign prefix with the letters ax, every australia day. Amateur search amateur and professional radio operator. It is published twice a year mid of may and end of november. Find ham radio operators find specialevent callsigns find hamtest examiners. Need 1959 callbook lookup for wv6fad my novice call. Uk amateur radio call signs callsigns electronics notes. Arrl, the national association for amateur radio 225 main street newington, ct, 061111400 usa tel.